Practical Christmas

The year 2022 was one entered with so much intention to be more practical and efficient, more conscious of our environment and less wasteful and the Holidays in our Home this year were the perfect ending to a MUCH NEEDED lifestyle makeover. Christmas is the most plasticy and sugary time for most people, I think, and this year I plotted to keep it out of our home. It was surprisingly easy and we allowed a little wiggle room with the beautiful people who gifted us so many amazing presents and sweets. Splurging on a real tree which we always do because we love the smell of it burning a few days after Christmas was a no brainer this year but instead of ruining it with plastic lights, we decorated it with only handmade Christmas ornaments, feathers and bones from our farm.

We gave plants from our garden, seeds we had planted months before so the plants were hearty enough for their new homes by Christmas, gave practical gifts, gifts we will use for school and even the recycled wooden toys were a hit. Being aware of all the garbage that just sits in the landfill is only the beginning of seeing the big picture problem.

Waste Not. Want Not. It’s not That Hard.

Farmall Tractor Find

Ever since I discovered The Photographers Market which has so many resources for photographers, I have been scouring the farm lands I travel through for a RED FARMALL tractor. Apparently these old, shiny, farm vehicles are a hot commodity in the Farm World and you better believe I SWERVED when I saw this beauty while driving through Titusville, Fl.

Shiny Red is just so appealing, do you agree?!?